发布时间:2018-06-04 14:15:00   发布人:华东师范大学附属双语学校   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:2,177

       当今语言教学的现代化,对我们的语言教学提出了挑战。随着新的教学理念不断的涌入,外语教材更加具有开放性,我们对教学的思考也越来越深入。为了不断提高我校教师专业素质,开阔教师思路,加强教师间互助合作。五月我们在华师双语初中英语教研组特别开设了 ‘同课异构’教研活动。

Nowadays, the internationalization of language teaching challenges us. With the continuous influx of new teaching ideas, and various teaching materials, we think more about how to teach. In order to improve the teachers' professional ability, broaden the teachers' horizon and strengthen the cooperation among teachers. In May, we specially set up the teaching and research activities of "the heterogeneous class" in English department. 


   Mr. Siljak and Mr. Alex 是两位来自不同的英语国家的英文老师。让我们共同拭目以待,看看这两位老师就同一课题‘Force of Nature’,为我们带来怎样不同的解读。

Mr. Siljak and Mr. Alex are two English teachers from different countries. Let's have a look at their ideas on the same topic "Force of Nature". 

Mr. Siljak以图片的形式给同学们展示了主题相关词汇,并通过同学分享自身经历加深同学们对每一种自然灾害的理解。

Mr. Siljak showed the students the relevant words in form of pictures and also asked the students to share their own experiences with classmates, so that they would get a better understanding of each natural disaster.

Mr. Siljak一向主张课堂教学要以学生为中心。他说,这是学生的课堂, 要尽可能让学生展示自己 ,增加学生的语言自信心。

Mr. Siljak has always advocated that teaching should be student-centered. He supported the idea that the classroom is for the students.  We need to provide opportunities for our students as much as possible to increase their confidence in language learning. 

Mr. Alex 为了能够让同学们更深刻的理解各种自然灾害,并从中学习到在自然灾害发生时我们能做到的自救方法,采取了播放小视频的方式。更生动形象的向学生展示了本课的内容。

Mr. Alex played a short video to show the students a vivid presentation of the lesson. It enables the students to understand various natural disasters, and learn how to self-rescue.

      接下来, Mr. Alex 采用了Cause and Effect (因果关系)表格,让同学们通过阅读,从中找出每一种自然灾害对人类造成的巨大影响。

Next, Mr. Alex used the Cause and Effect form to let students read and find out the great impact of each natural disaster on human beings.



The elaborate design and vivid teaching of the two teachers bring great pleasure to each student and the teacher. It provides a good platform for collective teaching and research. It is an effective way for teachers to improve teaching ability. Heterogeneous class not only let us see the different processing of the teachers on the same subject, but we learned that under the different teaching strategies and teaching style, the effect is different, too.