2018-2019学年初中部开放日|携手同行 家校共育
发布时间:2018-11-20 13:38:07   发布人:李瑾   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:1,970









On November 14, in order to enable parents to walk into our campus and deep into our classroom, we sent a beautiful invitation to parents, inviting them to walk into our campus and participate in various educational teaching activities.

This Open Day, in order to strengthen parents' in-depth understanding of the school, familiarize with our curriculum setting, and understand our daily teaching and students' learning status, we open all the classes in the afternoon. We invite parents to come into the classroom and listen to the class with their children.

The rich curriculum, the multimedia teaching methods, the bilingual languages, in order to provide the best education to the students, we have tried our best, and never slack. We break out of the normal rules; fully reflect the children's subjective participation. At the same time, we also pass the valuable experience and education concept of respecting and trusting the children, giving children the opportunity to explore and operate to the parents.

The good education, it is the parents walking along with the school; the good education, it is the understanding between parents and teachers; the good education, parents, teachers and students all grow together; the good education, will definitely achieve children a bright future. We believe that this Open Day activity can further build the bridge between parents and school communication and enable our education work to step on a new level.
