发布时间:2018-04-18 10:07:51   发布人:华东师范大学附属双语学校   信息来源:张丽苹    点击次数:1,394


In the afternoon of 16th, March, we had the honor to invite Ms. Ni to give us a speech about her experience on environmental protection.   


CIGS Solar Plant is a kind of special equipment that has the function of sunshade and generates electricity. What’s more, its ability will not be affected in cloudy or rainy day. Ms. Ni is the first user of CIGS in China. Nowadays, the user of CIGS can also get subsidy from the government when the solar plant produces electricity. This also attracts a lot of people come to Ms. Ni’s house to visit and learn from it.

       倪欢女士一直践行环保生活,而且致力于环保生活的宣传活动。她是上海草根环保公益组织“绿色光年”创始人、 英国外交部壳牌志奋领全额奖学金获得者、上海市欧美同学会金融分会理事、世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)科教委员会(CEC)中国专家委员,曾经在联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、世界银行集团等国际组织供职。目前在某国际环保组织担任高级顾问,长期从事低碳环保行业政策研究。

Ms. Ni also has participated and organized many activities about environmental protection. She is the founder of “Green Light-Year”, and is the winner of Chevening Scholarship. She is also the committee member of IUCN CEC, and worked for United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and WBG.


    At the beginning of the speech, Ms. Ni showed the students a video about herself based on the introduction to her life and working experience. In this video, we learnt that Ms. Ni had done many things to help preserve our planet. She does the right classification of garbage, and makes full use of the kitchen garbage produced in her house. She reuses waste water produced in the kitchen and purifies the air with the hand make air cleaner. At the meantime, other machines she uses is also very green. She uses the solar plant as the electricity source, and drives the gas-electric hybrid car. All above can help our earth to be cleaner and more sustainable.


倪老师告诉同学们,她在家中的小庭院里培养着绿色植物。种植在其中的观赏性植物不仅美观还起着净化空气的作用,所栽培的蔬菜水果也可以自己食用。这既增添了生活的趣味性,又环保健康,何乐而不为呢?下图是她家里的“鱼菜共生系统(aquaponics system)”——一种秉持“不换水,不施肥”的理念的环保生态循环系统。此系统中的鱼儿不需要换水,因为水中的植物会净化水质。同时,植物也不需施肥,因为鱼儿的排泄物正是植物所需最优质、最天然的养料。一举两得!

We also knew that Ms. Ni grows plants in her own garden. These plants not only have ornamental value, but also can purify the air. Besides, these vegetables and fruits is also organic and can be a source of food. This is the aquaponics system, a system that can work properly without changing water and using fertilizers. In the system, plants can purify water, while the excrement of fish can help the plants ‘growth. 

        你是否已经开始感叹倪老师那散发着‘绿色气息’的生活了呢? 也想亲身感受一下吗?完全可以!许多学生慕名而来,去到倪老师家里参观学习。倪老师会细心地带着他们了解Smart Evar,普及有关环保的知识并且组织了有关绿色的活动,让学生们们自己动手尝试环保手工制作,用升级再回收的聚氯乙烯海报制作环保灯。

Have you already started to admire the eco-friendly lifestyle Ms. Ni lives? Do you want to experience it yourselves? Absolutely! Many students visit Ms Ni’s home every week. Ms Ni will introduce them the ‘smart evar’, teach them many knowledge about environment, and let them do green DIY,for example she taught students to use upcycled PVC posters to make green lights.

      讲完了老师自己的经历,她带领我们了解了世界上几个重要的环境保护日:‘地球一小时’和‘地球超载日(the earth overshoot day)’。 此外,倪老师也讲述了其他有关于环保的的系统、组织,如SDGs(可持续性发展目标),以及TEEB(the economics of ecosystems & biodiversity)等等。倪老师结束演讲之后,本校的环艺社学生也说出了自己在学校展开的环保活动,并且与老师交流了自己社团的对未来活动可能性的畅想。倪老师鼓励同学们去坚持保护环境的举动,呼吁我们多多实践,加强对于保护环境的意识,更加深入地了解全球性生态现状与问题。

After talking about the experience she had, Ms Ni introduced “earth hour” and “the earth overshoot day”.In this lecture, Ms Ni also introduced other environmental protection organization such as SDGs and TEEB.After the speech, student from Breathe Environmental Club also talked about their activity they may do in the future. Ms Ni called on every student to have more awareness on environmental issues, and take responsibility on protecting our earth.