Rebecca Hebert
发布时间:2020-11-06 10:34:36   发布人:陈智勇   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:1,086


I grew up around Oxford,so education has always been important to me. Learning is a lifelong journey but it is not just about what we learn in the classroom. I enjoy many sports,especially swimming. I have a passion and fascination for languages, and studied French and Italian at the University of Bath. For me, the enjoyment of learning a language is increased when we are able to express ourselves clearly, this is what I seek to improve in my students, to progress their language to become more precise and natural.

I became a teacher because I genuinely love watching people learn! After spending some time in UK schools, I started my international career. This has taken me all over the world, and allowed me to grow as a teacher in each environment. I have been lucky to have taught in Morocco,Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Qatar and China and deeply value each experience I have had.

