万圣节狂欢|Trick or Treat!
发布时间:2018-05-30 09:09:16   发布人:华东师范大学附属双语学校   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:1,795


万圣节的诞生可以追溯到数百年以前,它来自于人类对未知世界的好奇与幻想。 万圣节在最初是一个恐吓、驱赶邪灵的仪式。然而现在,万圣节对人们,尤其是孩子们来说,是一个狂欢的“借口”人们纷纷打扮成或奇艺或可怖的样子,顺便消耗“多余”的糖果!

The tradition of Halloween stretches back hundreds of years and is rooted in humanity’s universal obsession with the hereafter. What was a ritual of scaring off evil spirits is now widely seen as a great excuse for dressing up in fanciful, sometimes frightening, costumes and consuming ill-advised amounts of candy!


今天的万圣节确切来说其实应该是万圣节前夜(英语:Halloween,为“All Hallows' Eve”的缩写),诸圣之节(All Saints Day)的前一天,即每年的10月31日,是西方世界的传统节日,庆祝活动一般在晚上,来源于古代凯尔特人对灵魂的力量的崇拜。

In the west, Halloween grew out of ancient Celtic traditions of spirit worship and was co-opted by the Church in an attempt to Christianize this pagan festival and divert the people’s attention away from spirits and towards saints. The name Halloween derives from the phrase ‘All Hallows Eve’ and was set on the 31st of October to be on the eve of All Saints Day, November 1st. 



On October 31st all the little ghosts, goblins, ghouls and witches, princesses, police, pirates and monsters, of East China Normal University Affiliated Bilingual Kindergarten came out to play!

我们的托班和小班的孩子们在讨糖活动前穿着奇装异服并且在操场举行了游行,领导游行的是谁?看,居然是一只头超大的熊!别看我们托班和小班的孩子长的小,可在讨糖活动中,他们可是最不容小觑的哦!在敲门之后,他们会以最响亮的声音要求“Trick or Treat!”。什么,你不想给糖?那可不行,等着“捣蛋鬼”们发威吧!讨糖结束后,孩子们回了班级。他们有的在班级里举办时装秀,有的举行了万圣节游戏,有的好好地“款待”了自己。午餐的时候,大家吃了自助餐。托小班的孩子们也能自己给自己盛东西吃啦,太棒了!孩子们的成长真是快呀!

Our Pre-K and K1 young learners dressed in marvelous costumes and paraded around - lead by a giant headed bear! - Before heading out for a bit-o trick-or-treating among their peers. After knocking on doors and demanding “Trick or Treat!” in their best loud voices, they trooped back to their classrooms. Some held fashion shows to and others had games and treats. Everyone enjoyed a special buffet lunch! The small ones did a great job serving themselves! They are growing and learning fast! 



In the afternoon this group attended a special concert performed by the excellent singers and dancers of K3 C! The kids tapped their feet and tried to singalong. It was a delightful treat!


中班的孩子穿了各种奇巧的服装! 有公主、国王、恐龙、消防队员、甚至还有各种颜色的巫婆——你要问他们哪个巫婆是好的,哪个巫婆是坏的?这可难说!中班的孩子们也在二楼和三楼进行了套糖活动,收获糖果的同时,他们也收获了许多欢笑!

The children of K2 dressed in a wide variety of ingenious costumes! There were princesses and kings, witches of every color – it was hard to tell who was a good which and who was a bad which! – Dinosaurs and monsters, police officers and firefighters! The K2 gang roamed about demanding treats from their fellows and howling with joyous laughter when rewarded with sweets of every description. After trick or treating the K2’ers gathered in the Theatre for a special showing of Halloween videos and songs. They made such a sound as to scare the ghosts from the grave yard! 


After trick or treating the K2’ers gathered in the Theatre for a special showing of Halloween videos and songs. They made such a sound as to scare the ghosts from the grave yard! 


作为幼儿园最大的哥哥姐姐,大班的孩子们的这个万圣节过得也很充实!一楼的教室里到处都是海盗、漂亮的小女巫、宇航员、大南瓜和小南瓜!大班的超级明星们在讨糖活动中声音洪亮,用响亮又清晰的英文喊出了“trick or treat”!在得到糖果后,作为大哥哥大姐姐的他们也没有忘记说谢谢,真是太有礼貌啦!在下午,K3C的孩子们还去了小剧场为托班和小班的孩子们表演,大家唱、跳、笑、闹,别提有多开心啦!

Our biggest kids, the bursting with intellectual curiosity go-getters of K3, were out in full force in their best and brightest Halloween ensembles! Pirates! Pirates everywhere! And beautiful witches and handsome rogues, and astronauts and pumpkins big and small! The K3 superstars were in full voice as they banged on doors and demanded in crisp clear English “Trick or Treat!” And they all remembered to say “Thank You!” when their fearsome commands were rewarded with bags full of things absolutely terrible for their teeth! In the afternoon, the class of K3 C put on a special performance for their young friends in PK and K1 in the Theatre. K3 C sang songs and danced, and the wee ones laughed with joy, stomping their feet and clapping along! 



It was a special, wonderful Halloween at ECNUAK! Our amazing staff of teachers did an outstanding job of decorating their classrooms and the surrounding areas to create a magically festive and eerily wonderful atmosphere! Our fantastic parents pitched in with gusto and helped to make our Halloween celebration a tremendous success! Thanks to one and all for a Spooktacular Halloween!