校园周报 / Weekly News —— 第三周 3rd Week
发布时间:2022-03-15 16:08:55   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:178

1、晨会 Morning Assembly







The Heads of Houses shared some advice of students' personal skills cultivation and participation during classes and activities.

Personal Skills: positive competitions can promote students growth;

Learning skills: learning with the combination of work and rest can help achieve the goals;

Participation: Learning to communicate positively and develop the hobbies can help promote students themselves and the school environment.


2、学院院长会议 Head of Houses Meeting


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The Heads of Houses are always supporting students in various activities and helping students get familiar with the campus, schoolmates and teachers to adapt to learning life as soon as possible. They help students make progress in academy, cultivate personality and develop ability.




At the HHs Meeting, all HHs affirmed the excellent performance and leadership of student leaders in the past semester and expressed great support for the upcoming House Night.

On this basis, the HHs discussed how to help more students exercise their leadership, organization and publicity abilities in the future, and help students cultivate their abilities in all aspects on the basis of their interests.


3、G10 学生会议 G10 Students Meeting




Since this semester, the G10 courses will integrate the GAC course to help students prepare for the ACT exam in G11 and the application of famous schools. In this semester, G10 students need to clarify the course selection and future application direction in G11, and prepare for the IGCSE Exam at the end of G10. For these reasons, Counselor Office and Principal Office together held a G10 Students Meeting to interpret the information and plans for students.


4、A-level学生会议 A-level Students Meeting


11年级A-LEVEL学生将在本学期迎来AS全球大考。校长助理Mr Nikolaos Bitos为这些学生细致地回顾了A-LEVEL课程的阶段考评安排、考试的评分、大考成绩对升学的影响、考试的具体安排以及备考策略等,并邀请了12年级A-LEVEL学生进行了经验分享。期待每位学生在大考中取得佳绩。


A-LEVEL students in G11 are facing the AS Global Exams this semester. Assistant Principal Mr. Nikolaos Bitos helped these students carefully reviewed the exam arrangement, the scoring criteria, the impact of the results on the university application, the specific arrangement and the preparation of A-LEVEL Exams, and he also invited G12 A-LEVEL students to share their experience. Wish all of them can gain an excellent result in the exams! 


5、家长课堂 Parents Academy





Since this semester, Counselor Office started the Parents Academy to help the students' parents to understand the different application plans and the preparations they need.

This week, over 60 parents participated in the sharing by the counselors. For the lecture in the next month, please check the messages in MB, mailbox and from Homeroom Teachers.


6、世界读书日 World Book Day


Thursday 3rd March 2022 marks the 25th World Book Day! Now celebrated in over 100 countries across the world, it aims to change lives through a love of books, as research has shown that reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success.

We launched a comic book writing competition, with our students first reading comics, understanding the language and features of them and then planning their ideas for their own fantastic comics. This opportunity gives students a platform to showcase their artistic and design skills as well as their writing.  The deadline for submissions is 18th March and we will announce the winners late March. 




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7、AMC & 英国物理奥林匹克获奖 Good News from AMC & BPhO Physics Challenge



Alex Wu from IBDP participated in the American Mathematics Competition and received good news and invitation from the official this week. He won the top 5% in the world and was promoted to the American mathematics invitational.


IBDP 的李竞洋同学从诸多参与英国物理奥林匹克竞赛脱颖而出,荣获银奖。

Jairo Li from IBDP participated in the BOhO Online Senior Physics Challenge and finally stood out, won the Silver Award. 


8、House Assembly




Houses hold their House Assembly every two weeks. This week, taking advantage of the sunshine, the students who have been sitting indoors for a long time have carried out interesting activities in the sunshine under the organization of the teachers of the House to stretch their body and mind; Student Captains also mobilize students to share new thoughts and make progress together.
