校园周报 / Weekly News 第十一周 11th Week
发布时间:2022-05-05 16:42:32   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:309

1、 全美经济学挑战赛获奖 Good News from NEC


Congratulations to 3 students in G11 who won great prizes in the National Economics Challenge! Tina Qiu from G11X and Jessica Ding from G11B won the Bronze Regional Overall Team Award, as well as the title - Critical Thinking Top Team in Problem Solving. Abe Zhao from G 11B won the Qualifying Test Individual Distinction Award. Congratulations to them!


2、 照片墙学院活动网课 — 机遇还是挑战Photo Wall House Competition: Living and Study Online: Challenges and Opportunities

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Is online learning an opportunity or a challenge? During the already seven-week long online teaching and learning, the students have experienced wonderful and happy moments, the tense period of exams, and the rush to do nucleic acid tests. Maybe a lot of words and stories can be told and shared. The school specially organizes a photo wall activity for your stories. You are encouraged to post yours and select the best one you like.

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3、 学习分享:《如何挑战自我》My Stories as A Risk-taker By G10 Frank Li


The high school library has launched a story sharing activity to encourage students to share and learn from each other. The following is the second sharing about the learner attribute "Risk-takers". It was shared by Frank Li in Grade 10.

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4、 英语课学会表达自己的想法 English ClassLearning to Express

上课时针对文章内容该如何引导学生们自己进行探索和研究呢又如何让同学们一起分享他们的见解进行有意思的讨论和互动呢Rebecca老师以“How Weird Are the British”为题鼓励11年级的同学去研究了解不同的英国文化并指导他们对提出的现象进行分享和讨论

How to guide students to explore and study the content of a specified article? How to let the students share their opinions and have discussions and interactions? Ms. Rebecca, English teacher in the high school, gave students a topic "How Weird Are the British?" encouraged students in Grade 11 to search and understand different British cultures, and guided them to share and discuss the proposed phenomena.

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5、 SSAT在即教师专业培训 DevelopmentTeacher Training for the Coming SSAT 


SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test,主要测量学生的数学、 英语能力以及阅读理解能力,考察考生的逻辑思维和发展潜力。

At the beginning of this semester, the school opened SSAT related courses for Grade 9 students to help them adapt to the English teaching environment in the high school. This year's SSAT exam is coming soon. The school has made an exclusive appointment with SSAT officials to train relevant teachers of the school in the hope of better supporting student learning and preparing for the test.

SSAT, the full name is Secondary School Admission Test, mainly measures students' mathematics, English literacy and reading comprehension ability, and examines candidates' logical thinking and development potential.

SSAT training for math and English teachers this morning, preparing the upcoming SSAT test for current Grade 9 students.png

6、 教师培训解读班主任工作 TrainingHow Homeroom Teachers Work


What aspects does the homeroom teacher's work include? Under the organization of Assistant Principal Miss Ann Liu, the teachers of the high school jointly discussed the work of the homeroom teachers. Especially, the discussants found that, in this special period of the epidemic, homeroom teachers greatly assisted the communication between teachers and parents, and conveyed important information to students in a timely manner.

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7、 IBDP 五年评估及教师技能发展 IBDP 5-year Evaluation & Teachers' Professional Development


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ECNUAS is about to face the five-year evaluation of the IBDP Programme. During the PD Days, MsMaggie Wang, the DP coordinator of the high school, discussed the details of the evaluation with all teachers. As an internationally renowned programthe IBDP has its own system for school improvement and student developmentDuring this training, the teachers in each subject group of the high school had a thorough discussion on the following six aspects of IB Porgrastandards and practices.

1. Leadership and Governance

2. Student Support

3. Teacher Support

4. Design a Coherent Curriculum

5. Students as Lifelong Learners

6. Approaches to Assessment

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8、  12年级升学成果一览 University Results of G12 Students


As of today, 33 students in G12 have received more than 140 offers, and more than 60% of them have obtained offers from the world's top 30 universities. According to the analysis of the Counselling Office in the high school, the majors applied by our students this year are diverse, including Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Science, Mathematics, Arts, etc. Supported by the Student Career Planning Programthe students developed a long-term vision for university search and the choice of majors and universities in the process of their applications.


(截止4月29日,共获UCL 5份;LSE 1份; UT 17份;更多最新信息,请持续关注公众号“华师双语”)

9、 学生读书分享Students Sharing about the Books Recommended by Ms Rebecca


In the past three weeks, the English group leader Ms. Rebecca Hebert has shared many good books on different topics with the students. Under the leadership of the teachers, the students in Grade 9 studied the classification of different writing genres and text styles. At the same time, they analyzed and discussed the relevant text styles in detail based on what they actually read in books.

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10、 好书分享 Book Recommendation By Ms. Rebecca Hebert, The English Subject Group Leader

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11、 重要预告 Upcoming Events

1. 12年级学生公益讲座



2. 上课安排:55日上周四课,56日周三课,57日周五课

3. 57日下午学生无课全校家长会。请本校生家长扫码预约一对一面谈


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