校园周报 / Weekly News 第八周 8th Week
发布时间:2022-04-14 13:55:14   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:194

1、 欧几里得数学竞赛 Euclid Math Contest

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This week, the Euclid Math Contest began. Early this week, Miss. Scarlett He, the leader of the Mathematics Group, introduced the online competition process to the participating students in detail, and helped the students carefully prepare for the Contest. On the day of the contest, a total of 15 students from G 9 to G11 participated on time and all of them completed it successfully. We look forward to receiving good results from these students in the near future.

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2、 GG10家委课程会议 Curriculum Meeting With G9G10 Parents Representatives



This is the 4th week of online teaching, and the high school administration received many suggestions from parents and students. After several rounds of discussion and planning, the Principal Office called an online meeting with the parents representatives of G9 and G10 to discuss the students' learning status, efficiency of learning, and adjustment of the online teaching timetable. As a result, an agreed feasible plan was reached after the meeting.


3、 G9G10 学生代表会议 Curriculum Meeting With G9G10 Students Representatives

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This week, Assistant Principal Miss. Ann Liu held two symposiums with students' representatives of G9 and G10 respectively. At the meetings, students discussed the possible adjustments for the online learning timetableand the Miss Liu asked students about their experiences and effectiveness of online learning. Students openly expressed their own opinions, brainstormed constructive suggestions so as to optimize the existing plan.


4、 ISP项目 Ivy Successful Program



The ISP Program aims to help students, who intend to study in the G5 universities in the UK and the Ivy League Universities or the Top 30 universities in the United States, in terms of personalized university application planning. Professional counsellors outside the school cooperate with the Counselor Office in the school to help students make comprehensive plans on the improvement of academic ability, well-rounded quality, language training plans in holidays, so as to increase the possibility of top university admissions.

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5、 艺术——宅家更应该创作 Arts — Creations at Home



April is with us, the students in the Visual Arts course have to finish their work of this stage and their art works seem come to the final stage. Even at home, Martin Huo of DP2 did not delay his creation. He used his excellent modeling ability to simulate the school environment and created imaginative exhibition works.

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6、 讲座艺术留学申请 LectureArt Schools applications

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学艺术的学生该如何申请大学呢艺术组老师Christelle 特邀了专业艺术方向申请分析师给同学们从作品语言成绩课程成绩文书等方面向同学们做了详细的分析希望给同学们提供帮助尽早规划未来的路线

How should art students apply to college? Ms. Christelle Herve, the leader of Visual Arts Group, specially invited a professional art application analyst to make a detailed analysis to our students about the works, language achievements, academic achievements and documents, hoping to provide help to the students and plan the future route as soon as possible.

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7、 华师大教授与你聊老舍 Lecture About Lao She by ECNU Assistant Professor Feng

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老舍,原名舒庆春,字舍予。中国现代小说家、作家、语言大师、人民艺术家、北京人艺编剧 ,新中国第一位获得人民艺术家称号的作家。48中文组有幸邀请到华师大中文系凤媛副教授跟学生们分享他近年来对于老舍先生的研究与认识


Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun, is a novelist, writer with the title of "people's artist". (A famous artist and writer in China from 1899 to 1966)  On April 8, the Chinese Subject Group had the honor to invite Professor Ms. Feng of East China Normal University to give a lecture to our students about her research and understanding of Mr. Lao She in recent years.

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8、 DP2 英语口语考试 DPEnglish Speaking Exam


紧张的考试周仍在继续,随着模考,高三IB的学子们迎来了英语口语考试。 疫情并没有影响到老师和学生的备考热情以及有序的口语考试安排。在英语口语考试中,学生需要一对一根据提示(图片或者文学作品选段)和考官探讨5大主题(Identities, Experiences, Human ingenuity, Social organisation, Sharing the planet),展现自己的话题拓展能力和思维深度。

The Mock Exam Week continues. With the Mock Exam, IB DP2 students ushered in the Individual Oral English assessment. The COVID pandemic does not affect the enthusiasm of teachers and students in preparing for the exam and the orderly arrangement of oral examination. In the oral English test, students need to discuss five themes (identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organization, sharing the plane) with the examiner one-on-one according to the tips (pictures or selected passages of literary works), so as to show their ability of topic expansion and their depth of thinking.


9、 DP2 家长会 DPParents Meeting

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四月12年级的同学们未来两个月进入关键时期在此疫情之下校长办公室的老师们与家长们沟通了毕业班的安排黄校长向家长们简单介绍学校在学生学习、考试和大学申请方面的总体安排高中部副校长兼DP 协调员王茹老师介绍了未来一段时间内DP学生们的课程复习考试方案高中部校长助理兼A-Level项目协调员Nikolaos Bitos则分享了A-Level课程的一系列考试复习准备计划,大学指导办公室最后分享了后续的申请工作安排

In April, G12 students entered a critical period in the high school study. Under this pandemic, teachers in the Principal's Office communicated with parents about arrangements of the graduation class in the next a few months. Principal Leo Huang briefed the examination, application and overall support of the school to the parents. The high school Vice Principal, DP Coordinator Ms. Maggie Wang described the courses, review and examination plans of DP students. The high school Assistant Principal, A-level coordinator Mr. Nikolaos Bitos shared a series of examination and review preparation plans of A-level course, and the Counselor Office shared information and arrangements after university admissions.

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10、 教师会议 在线教学质量调查

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In the past week, the Principal Office conducted a student survey on the teaching quality to collect the feedback about the ongoing online teachingAt the Friday staff meetingPrincipal Leo Huang analyzed the survey results of each grade. Due to the limitations of softwarethe learning experience of students were impacted to some extent. The teachers discussed possible changes of the timetable, teaching methods, and teaching technologythe Principal encouraged teachers to explore new methods in order to create more engaging and effective lessons for students.

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11、 好书分享 Book Recommendation By Ms. Rebecca Hebert, The English Subject Group Leader

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12、 重要预告 (upcoming events

 10周: 高中部期中考试周  (HS mid-term examination)


Revision lessons and tasks will be made for preparing for mid-term examination.  Student training will happen during week 9.