校园周报 / Weekly News 第五周 5th Week
发布时间:2022-03-22 12:51:36   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:337

1、学生分享——如何规划自己的升学路径 Students Sharing - How do I get accepted by top universities?

今年DP2的程一凡同学以其优异的成绩斩获了来自US News排名21的埃默里大学的录取通知那程一凡同学是如何做到的呢我们来一起听听她怎么说

Cathy Cheng, our DP2 student received the offer from Emory University, which ranks 21 by US News. How she made such a great success? Let’s read the summary of her speech and find some useful methods.

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Summary of Cathy’s Speech

I am not a very diligent student and  often lazy. The main reason why I think my admission results are fairly good is that I have achieved these three parts These are three factors that college admissions officers consider when measuring the competitiveness of candidates. 


In High School, you should have a clear timeline. For me, I think the standardized should be taken as soon as possible, so I prepared for it in G10 and finished it G 11. Even that, I think it is a little bit late. 


Please find your counselor as early as possible. In Grade 10, I tried to ask my counselor about course selection and advice about future planning. Counselors know more about the admission officers and they can give you a recommendation of subject selection as they know the requirement of different universities.

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2、学生分享——如何学好IB? Students Sharing - How IBDP study looks like?

作为IBDP 2年级的学生火域皓分别拿到了QS世界排名222635的香港大学多伦多大学伦敦大学国王学院的Offer本周晨会学校邀请了火域皓同学和学弟学妹们聊一聊IBDP的学习接下来让我们看看火域皓同学这份引起众多讨论的有趣发言吧

As a DP2 student, Martin Huo has received the offers from University of Hong Kong (Rank 22 QS News), University of Toronto (Rank 26 QS News), King's College London, University of London (Rank 35 QS News). This week, the principal office invited Martin to give a speech about How IBDP study looks like? 

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What is the cause of the high study efficiency?

I cite two questions answered by those with highest rank on study efficiency in my research. The first one is "keeping the mood peace" by student I. The second one is "Understanding the primary knowledge and connecting knowledge. Cultivating a habit on summarizing secondary knowledge based on primary knowledge" by student H. 


This research has proved that Martin has a relatively low efficiency on study. Hence, he should not share study approaches with other students in ECNUAS. Moreover, based on data of other benchmarks, this research has shown that high Study Efficiency is correlated with high abundant time and entertaining time. A possible explanation to this is also made based on  survey questions answered by two samples with highest Study Efficiency. 

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3、在线学习我们应做到的 What we should do during online classes


On Monday, students officially started the "virtual classes". What should students and teachers do during the online classes? Principal Mr. Leo Huang made a speech on this issue and told everyone that even online studying now, all students and teachers should be well behaved and attend on time. Teachers and students should respect each other, maintain online classroom discipline; and overcome the difficulties together with the spirit of tolerance.

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4、课堂一览 A View of Online Classes






The online class has begun for a week. With the joint exploration of teachers and students, all kinds of fantastic ideas and interesting classes were displayed on the small screen: Chinese class with full childlike interest, iMath classes with iPades, Physics class in fun, Music class full of the sound of piano ......



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5、屏幕前,我们在行动 We are Acting in Front of the Screen




How to provide students with more rich and meaningful courses? Thereby, teachers held many meetings to discuss how to carry out various courses to help students grow and develop: Career Planning Meeting for art students, K-STEAM course construction meeting, etc.

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6、线上家委会会议 Online PTA Meeting

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高中部各班家长及管理团队线上相约,就学校政策、学生发展、沟通交流等方面展开了细致的讨论。黄雪锋校长与家长们互相讨论的学校的亮眼之处;王茹副校长与家长们沟通了各年级学生在本学期的各项事宜安排以及相应进展以及IBDP五年回访的相应准备工作和家长的参与;校长助理刘益君就晚自习、家校沟通、升学指导工作开展与家长们进行了深度探索;校长助理Nikolaos 则分享了诸多实用的小技巧提升家校、师生、家长与学生直接的沟通;在会议的最后,家委会的成员们也与高中管理团队们仔细反馈讨论了学生最近比较关注的问题,包括ACT考试、晚自修安排和食堂等。 

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The PTA and admin team of High School met online and had a detailed discussion on school policy, student development, Parent-School communication, etc. Principal Mr. Leo talked about the bright spots of the school with parents; Deputy Principal Ms. Maggie communicated with parents about the arrangement and progress of students of all grades in this semester, as well as the corresponding preparations for the five-year return visit of IBDP and the participation of parents; Ms. Ann, Assistant Principal, made an in-depth exploration with parents on evening study, parent-school communication and counseling guidance; Nikolaos, Assistant Principal, shared many practical tips to improve communication between parent and  chool, teachers and students, parents and students; At the end of the meeting, the members of PTA carefully fed back and discussed with the Principal Office the issues that students have paid more attention to recently, including ACT Exam, Evening Study Arrangement and Canteen.

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7、助益发展各类小组上线 Various Studying Groups for Students’ Development

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EE Training

即便是线上,我们的学生发展也不能只有学习,各项活动的安排也要跟上,在协调和安排下,11年级的EE项目正式开启线上启动。作为IBDP三大核心课程之一,EE的规划、研究、写作和反思将持续一年,学部将为学生提供持续的指导和培训;910年级的AEUA 学业提升项目为30余位同学详细介绍了如何提升自己,申请优异大学...... 

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Even online, the student development can't be just studying all the day, and the arrangement of various activities should keep up. Under the coordination and arrangement, the EE project of Grade 11 was officially launched online. As one of the three core courses of IBDP, the planning, research, writing and reflection of EE will last for one year, and High School will provide continuous guidance and training for students; More than 30 students in the AEUA program of Grade 9 and Grade 10 attended the lecture and knew how to improve themselves and apply for an excellent university ......

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8、学习小贴士Tips for Learning


Online learning, students and teachers will inevitably stare at all kinds of electronic devices for a long time or sit in front of the electronic screen. In a short time, we may ignore the warning signals of the body, but with the time passing by, small problems will emerge one by one. The following are some tips. We should pay attention to our health while learning and teaching.


护眼篇 Eye Protection转自公众号:上海儿童青少年健康)

Ø 电子产品的选择 Selection of Electronic Devices


Choose large screen electronic devices if you can, and the priority is projector, TV, desktop computer, notebook computer, tablet computer and mobile phone


Electronic products with high screen resolution and suitable definition shall be selected


When using electronic products, adjust the brightness to make your eyes feel comfortable, not too bright or too dark


Ø 电子产品的摆放 Placement


Electronic products shall be placed away from the direct light of windows and lights, and the screen side shall be facing the window to prevent the reflection of the screen from irritating the eyes


When using the projector, the viewing distance should be more than 3m; When using TV, the viewing distance should be more than 4 times of the diagonal distance of the screen; When using the computer, the viewing distance should be more than 50cm (about one arm length)


When placing electronic products (such as computers), ensure that the upper end of the screen is flush with the horizontal line of sight of the eye


Eye Exercises: Use it to protect your eyes. Do it every day if you have time


转自公众号沪眼/ Hu-Eye


关节篇 Protect Your Joint


Staring at the computer screen for a long time is easy to get cervical spondylosis. Let's see the symptoms of it


Sore neck, shoulder pain, stiff arms, creaking sound when turning your head


Snore for a long time, always sleep on one side and often have a stiff neck


Often have irregular dizziness, headache and migraine


Fell head heavy and feet light, numb fingers and weak upper limbs


Unexplained hypotension or hypertension


Throat discomfort, such as stem in the throat, unable to swallow and cough


Poor sleep, frequent nightmares, memory loss and inattention


Irregular chest tightness, shortness of breath, out of breath, palpitation and rapid heartbeat

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身心舒缓视频 Some videos tell you how to relax

链接https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s6zOtQg8SPqxXd4rJ1hJ6w 提取码: ugqw 



心理 Mental Health转自公众号上海本地宝


During the epidemic, many people always worry that they will be diagnosed, and all kinds of anxiety seriously affect their physical and mental health. Therefore, during the epidemic prevention period, mental health also needs everyone's attention.

如果出现烦燥恐慌等情绪怎么办?What if there are feelings such as irritability and panic?


Make a plan. Arrange what you should do every day, especially to ensure regular diet and sleep.


Delve into one thing. Read, listen to music, write, learn a new skill, and enjoy the process.


Find a support. The company from family and friends is a very important social support. Seriously do housework and chat with your family. The topic of chat can be enriched. Don't just talk about the epidemic situation. If you are not with your family, you can keep in touch with your family and friends by telephone, video chat, etc.


Take an exercise. When you are upset, do Baduanjin or your favorite indoor sports.


Think about some experiences. Think about what valuable life experiences you can get from this experience. 


李睿涵  ryan.li@ecnuas.com 



心语屋邮箱: rosehouse@ecnuas.com
