校园周报/Weekly News —— 第二周 2nd Week
发布时间:2022-03-15 15:17:33   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:408

1、晨会 / Morning Assembly



HSSA always works together with Principal Office to the development and management. On the Morning Assembly, HSSA analyzed the policies that implemented this semester with other students and how to be self-disciplined. 



This March, the annual House Night will be organized, HSSA shared the arrangement and started recruiting organizers and volunteers. 


2、疫情下的课堂 / Classes Under the Pandemic



The havoc of Omicron has had an impact on all walks of life. In the current situation, teachers connect with the students through the online applications. The ways of online teaching, online Q & A, online homework and so on make everyone connected to overcome the difficulties brought by the epidemic to their teaching and studies.


(G11 中文课)

3、CAS Awards 颁奖 / CAS Awards



(优秀新社团:Urban Green)

CAS是学生学习的重要活动之一,两位CAS 协调员根据同学们在过去一学期的活动安排、未来规划、参与度等方面进行了诸多评选,最终评选出优秀学生个人、优秀学生社团等奖项。


Every semester, the school will select some outstanding clubs and individuals. The two CAS coordinators conducted many evaluations according to the students' activity arrangement, club plans, participation and other aspects of last semester, finally following outstanding student individuals, excellent student clubs were selected. Congratulations to them and look forward to their great performance and interesting activities this semester.


(Best Activity Award:篮球社 体育之星:Max Yao)

4、学生会会议 / HSSA Meeting



House Night is an activity independently planned and implemented by the members of HSSA.This year's House Night is planned to be held in March with the theme Memories of Childhood. Members of HSSA gather together to discuss the detailed plan of the activity. 




Principal Mr. Leo also had a meeting with these members of HSSA, talking about the importance of leadership and their responsibilities as a member of HSSA.



(HSSA、宣传组讨论 House Night 细节)

5、班主任会议 / Homeroom Teachers Meeting




The homeroom teacher is the bridge between the school and parents, and students. This semester, the Principal Office and the homeroom teachers held a meeting to review the work of the previous semester, consider the direction of this semester and the precautions for parent school communication, so as to realize the fast and efficient parent school communication, provide a good environment for students' learning and development and the relationship between teachers and students, and help students develop in an all-round way.


6、GAC 课程培训教师 / GAC Program Training For Teachers



Last semester, ECNUAS officially passed the evaluation and became the official designated teaching center and exam center of  ACT. ECNUAS will implement GAC courses to students later in order. This semester, teachers joined in the training provided by ACT to make full preparation for the courses. 


7、G9学生会议 / G9 Students Meeting



According to the develop requirements of G9 students,  the school has optimized the curriculum setup, which not only meets the curriculum and evaluation requirements of Shanghai Bureau of Education, but also helps students easy to follow the path of International Curriculum.


8、学生竞赛再获佳绩 / Good News


IBDP 张明洋同学参加了美国高中生数学建模竞赛并取得Honorable Mention (二等奖)的好成绩。 美国高中生数学建模竞赛,是世界范围内最具影响力的中学生数学建模竞赛。该项赛事借鉴大学生数学建模竞赛的模式,结合中学生的特点进行设计,具有较高的含金量,对海外顶尖大学申请有很大的帮助。 

Ocean Zhang, the student of IBDP participated in the High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling and achieved the Honorable Mention. High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling is the most influential middle school students' mathematical modeling competition in the world. The event draws lessons from the model of College Students' mathematical modeling competition and is designed in combination with the characteristics of middle school students. It has a high gold content and is of great help to the application of overseas top universities.  


来自9年级的 姜金诺,陈佳佳,邱添奕晋级成为美国十项全能比赛种子队全球站后补。 恭喜同学们取得优异好成绩。

Ethan Jiang, Dora Chen and Andrew Qiu from G9 were promoted to become the seed team of the United States Academic Decathlon in the global stop. Congratulations to their excellent results.
