发布时间:2018-04-17 09:00:30   发布人:华东师范大学附属双语学校   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:2,137




Would you like to listen to good music and songs? The Voice of ECNUAS-MS is your best choice. On the afternoon of April 4th, the Voice of ECNUAS-MS -- the English singing competition was held in the theater of the kindergarten. The 12 group singers who finally made it to the finals brought us a wonderful Party of Music.


"Soul singer, in an instant, can shatter ten thousand hearts." It is not exaggerated to describe the voice of ECNUAS-MS by using the song of the winner of the Voice of China. Among the 12 tracks of the competition, there are beautiful folk songs, James music, Hip–pop, and also the Light music.


Singers on the stage show their passion and dream, and the energy of youth. They are sound either affective, or sweet and passionate. The sincere emotions in the songs are really penetrating and influencial. The songs are the pursuit of their dream and future.

     《puff the magic dragon》《shape of you》《counting stars》等一首首歌曲将比赛一次又一次推向高潮,精彩的演唱不时博得台下评委和观众的阵阵掌声。比赛最后,更有高中部同学带来的精彩表演《city of stars》,给我们的活动锦上添花。

"You raise me up", "shape of you", "counting stars", etc., brought the competition to the climax again and again. The excellent performance gained the applause from the judges and the audience.

       为了此次比赛的公正公平,我们请来了华师双语校长龚德辉女士,副校长邱超同志,初中部负责人许雨晨,外教音乐总监Mr Wade,音乐专业老师卫韡,以及外教老师Mr Mihail担当此次活动的评委老师。

To be justice, we invited our headmistress Mrs Gong, the vice President Mr Qiu, the direct of middle school Mrs Xu, the head of music Mr Wade, the music teacher Ms Wei, as well as the foreign teacher Mr Mihail to be the judges.




一等奖:《puff the magic dragon》陆慧漪

二等奖:《someone like you》张芯喆,高天月

                《what are words》何祉萱,解丛瑜,葛轩利,刘宇凡,王子默

三等奖:《counting stars》张仕藻,涂向楠,徐泽宸,吴锦泓,刘蓝天,岳思齐

                 《 not afraid》 王翰涛,潘欣平

                《 shape of you》李昱攸

At the end, we nominated three third prize winners, two second prize winners, and one first prize winner.

The list:

First prize: 《puff the magic dragon》Tomee Lu

 Second prize: 《someone like you》Caffrey Zhang, May Gao

《what are words》Sharon He, lynn Xie, Christine Ge, Anna Liu, Carol Wang

Third prize: 《counting stars》Tony Zhang, Sam Yue, Shawn Tu, Shean Xu, Johnson Wu, Sky Liu

《 shape of you》Yolanda Li

《 not afraid》Lily Pan, Ryan Wang

        华师双语初中部英语歌唱比赛,丰富了同学们的课余文化生活,激发了同学们英语学习热情,有利于培养校园歌唱人才, 为同学们提供了自我展示平台,引领校园文化新风尚。

The voice of ECNUAS_MS, has enriched the students' after-class life, inspired the students' English learning enthusiasm, and cultivated their singing talents, It also has provided the students with the best platform to show their talents, and led the new fashion of the campus culture. 


The competition took almost two hours, when we were still in the great songs. It ended, but the end was not the end, it is the beginning. In the future, our teachers and students will bring us more colorful educational activities.


In addition, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the school for its strong support for this activity, the assistance of the kindergarten department, the hard work of the teachers and the efforts of all the students. Because of all of you, the voice of ECNUAS_MS ended successfully.  Thank you all!

中英文:白沫Olivia Bai
