发布时间:2018-05-28 11:12:26   发布人:华东师范大学附属双语学校   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:2,176

戏剧是与人类生活,和人性最为靠近的艺术,它包含着丰富的人文知识,蕴含着深刻的人文精神。戏剧教育通过美的形式引导学生热爱真善美, 养成良好的性格和健全的人格。

Drama is the art form that is closest to human life and human nature. It contains rich humanistic knowledge and profound humanistic spirit. Drama education leads students to love truth and beauty through the form of beauty, and develops a better character and a sound personality.


On the afternoon of January 9th, the ECNUAS’s middle school drama show was performed in the theater in kindergarten. All the leaders, teachers and parents from the school watched the wonderful performance together with the students from the middle school.


"The Three Sisters" is based on a life experience of Chekhov in Wasiklessek, a small town outside the province. The plot of the drama is bland. The three sisters' father was a general, they were born in Moscow, tasteless life makes them tired, they are eager to return to Moscow, the calling of returning to Moscow was throughout the play.


从同学们的表演中我们感受到了三姐妹漂泊异乡的爱国之情和思乡之切。在传递温情与感动的同时又不失活泼,剧中穿插着的幽默情节, 加增强了作品的魅力,给现场老师和同学们留下了无限的遐想和无尽的感悟。

From our students’ performance, we could feel the love and homesickness of the three sisters. We were moved by the warmth atmosphere and felt the humor revolves around the plot, which enhance the appeal of their works, left infinite dream and endless inspiration for the teachers and students.



End of the performance, closed eyes, a picture of melancholy autumn flows out. Masha, Irina, Olga huddle together, light melancholy light up in their eyes, quietly they are listening to the violin played melody, that music is full of joy of life getting away gradually, disappeared in the void. In the play presented by our middle school students, people walks into and out, is alive, alive with soul.  Although we can't see a thrilling spectacle, the structure is very dull, the characters have no ups and downs, but it held our soul tightly. For a moment, as if every thing was still, even the breath stopped, and we were in the sad atmosphere.

本次戏剧表演, 对营造我校氛围浓郁的英语氛围有着重要意义; 丰富同学们的多彩校园生活,促进同学们间的合作与交流能力,展现了华师双语初中生昂扬向上的精神风貌。英语表达清晰流利,人物形象风度饱满,背景设计精致简洁,背景音乐极具感染力,此次戏剧演出表现了我校初中生对英语学习的积极性不断提高,戏剧课汇报表演圆满成功。

The performance is significant for creating a strong English learning atmosphere in our school. It enriches the students' colorful campus life, promotes the cooperation and communication skills between students, and shows the spirit of middle school students. Fluent and clear English expression, rich images, delicate and concise background design and infectious background music, the performance of middle school students increases the enthusiasm of learning English. The drama class performance gains a successful ending.



At the end, our drama teacher, Thomas, issued a certificate for the actors, and our headteacher went on the stage to pay a high compliment for the performance of the students. She also stated that a good blue must be highly relevant to the overall development of the school, and at the same time it should be extensive, because it is a unique subject form, students learn not only knowledge, but also the quality.