校园周报 / Weekly News 第九周 9th Week
发布时间:2022-04-20 14:05:08   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:724

1、 学生分享 —— 时间管理 Students’ Sharing - Time Management

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After five weeks of online class, the students might be gradually entering a period of exhaustionLearning won’t pause for a day, also the high school students will soon have the mid-term exams. How can we restore their enthusiasm and study efficiently? In the online class survey, the school administration found that many students used various methods to maintain motivation. G9 Ethan and G10 Angel shared how to manage time and improve learning efficiency: use “to do list”; use email, etc. Also, self-regulation is a key part of time management. Helen mentioned that we should take finding goals as our goal.

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2、 学生分享 —— 如何保重身心双重健康 Students’ Sharing - Mental & Physical Health



In addition to improving efficiency of learning under the circumstance of long-term COVID lockdown, how to maintain the physical and mental health of students and teachers is also imperativeA few students enthusiastically shared a variety of activities. Vicky from G10 said that taking exercises is one of the ways to relieve stress; Dora from G9 mentioned that we should control our own lives and when feeling pressure we should learn to reflect and embrace the nature; Clark from G11 shared a work-out video clip and intended to leahis classmates to participate together.

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3、 宅家 —— 厨艺初体验 First Experience of Cooking



On the one hand, the COVID lockdown isolates us at home; on the other hand, it can improve relationships between family members and give students more opportunities to communicate with their parents so that they can understand their families and participate in household duties. During this period, G10C students had their first experiences of cooking under the organization of the teacher. It can be seen that many students tried for the first time, like preparing a simple salad; also, quite a few talented students even. made a full table of delicious dishes. Life continues, we won't be beaten by the pandemic. We might by the way take this opportunity to improve communication and relationships with our family members.

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4、 线上毕业生艺术展即将开幕 Upcoming Online Arts Exhibition

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On April 22, DP2 students' art exhibition will open soon. Seven G12 Visual Arts students with their works invite you to meet online. Their works are full of their understanding of the world and various social phenomena. While they are creative, they also have great connotation. Scan the code and enjoy the show together! Friday, April 22, we are waiting for you!

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5、 艺术=基本功+创新+好老师 Art= Basic Skills + Creativity + Professional Teachers



Artistic creation is a long process. Students need solid basic skills to support them so as to demonstrate their creative ideas. In the situation with many limitations due to COVID, art teacher Miss Susic Lv led her students to try a special method of practicing basic skills, using brackets to form an ultra-long brush to practice the stability of hands during painting. Let's see their final results.

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6、 心理课适时学会舒缓压力 Psychology Class: Learn to Release Pressure Properly


现在的特殊环境下长久的封控难免会引起不小的压力高中部的心理博士Brad Jurica老师在上课时就活用现在的情势教会同学们缓解压力持之以恒的理论的同时也帮助同学们如何实际去进行操作缓解自身压力

In the current special social situation, long-term lockdown will inevitably cause great pressure. The high teacher Dr. Brad Juricaspecialized in Psychology, made full use of the current situation in his classes, taught students about how to relieve pressure and what resilience in theory is. He also helped students actually practice what they learned in class and relieve their own stress successfully.

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7、 音乐课居家学习在线编曲 Music Class: Learn Composing Online



What are DP music classes like? Know music scores and learn a variety of musical instruments? That's too simple! Students in DP need to learn all kinds of tonalities, such as D major and C major. On this basis, they also need to learn how to use these tonalities for creation. How tlearn to make music when you stay at home? Music teacher Ms. Ren taught students how to compose music online, and guided students to appreciate and modify music at the same time.

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8、 在线教学课堂调查反馈 Online Studying Reflection



At the Staff Meeting last week, the  high school management team analyzed the online teaching and learning. This week, the Principals randomly observed classes of high school teachers and made timely feedback and curriculum suggestions to help teachers improve their teaching plans and teaching methods. For example, suggestions include encouraging students to turn on cameras, applying various methods of teacher-student interaction, and diversifying methods of online teaching, etcConstructive feedback and suggestions constitute the basis for the improvement of online teaching of the high school teachers.

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9、  校长分享如何培养孩子成为国际化人才 Principal’s Sharing - How to Cultivate Students International Awareness

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This weekend, in response to requests from parents, the HS Principal live broadcasted and shared the following questions online: how students complete the transition from junior school to senior school; how to complete the perfect transition from compulsory education system to international schoolswhat kinds of support the school will provide students. More than 600 parents participated in the online meeting, which alleviated parents’ anxiety around school selection and studying abroad.

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10、 好书分享 Book Recommendation By Ms. Rebecca Hebert, The English Subject Group Leader


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11、 重要预告 Upcoming Events


1. 第10期中考试周



2. 4/22日:1011选项目和选课的启动讲座

Grade 10-to-Grade 11-start-up lectures for program choice and elective courses


3. 剑桥IGCSE/AS/A-LEVEL以及IBDP 2022年的全球考试转为非考试方案的评估 

Assessment of Cambridge IGCSE/AS/A-LEVEL and IBDP 2022 global exams moving to non-exam route

学校已经收到剑桥国际考评和IB确认,因为疫情取消上海地区2022年剑桥IGCSE/AS/A-LEVELIBDP大考。这些项目的最终考评将转为非考试形式的评估。学生的学习证据集(Portfolio of Evidence)以及DP的内部评估作业(Internal Assessment)的质量将很大程度上决定学生的大考成绩。学部已经召开了多次教师会议和12年级的家长及学生会议,讨论和解释如何准备这些证据以及如何帮助学生完善DP 内部评估作业。任课老师也一直在与学生和家长进行积极沟通。420日之前,学部将完成12年级DP学生的内部评估作业(internal assessment)和预估分(Predicted Grade)的最终上传。


       The school has received confirmation from Cambridge International Assessment and IB that the 2022 Cambridge IGCSE/AS/A-LEVEL and IBDP exams in Shanghai will be cancelled due to the epidemic. Final evaluations for these programs will be transferred to a non-exam route. The quality of a student's Portfolio of Evidence and DP's Internal Assessment will largely determine a student's exam results. The Faculty has held several teacher meetings and Year 12 parent and student meetings to discuss and explain how to prepare this evidence and how to help students improve their DP internal assessment assignments. Homeroom teachers have also been actively communicating with students and parents. By April 20, the Faculty will complete the final upload of the internal assessment and Predicted Grade for Year 12 DP students.


       4. 第二轮在线教学质量调查问卷将在4月18日发出

       The second survey about the quality of online teaching will be distributed on April 18th